I'm new to both etsy and the crafts I find myself enjoying, and already I'm meeting some very nice people whom I hope to become friends with as my journey continues.
I'll admit I'm a little insecure about all this. Insecure about any talent I may or may not have, and insecure that my shop will fail miserably. Insecurity is based in irrational thought. I enjoy the craft, and I like the things I've been making. My girlfriend likes the things I've been making, and my family and friends seem to think they can sell. So I tell my insecurity to go stuff itself and I keep on creating.
Also admittedly, it's very very helpful to have support from strangers and peers, and that happened for me earlier today. I've been pimping my wares on the Promotions forum, and it's actually kind of fun, but I don't know how successful it will be, ultimately. But I've been receiving some kind words for the magnets, which is nice. And now I'm receiving recognition for my blog. I was surprised and flattered when weeknit sent me a convo this afternoon letting me know. If you haven't visited weeknit's blog, you should go do so. It's a very good blog. And visit her store while you're at it. Her finger puppets are absolutely adorable, and I'm pretty sure they'll be part of my holiday/gift shopping this year.
So here's the award:

It works a little like this: Pay it forward. Pass it on to ten or so other blogs you think are deserving of the award.
Unfortunately, I don't read many blogs anymore, so I don't really have ten, but here's a few that I'm following that I really enjoy:
Beadwork By Amanda
Belua Designs
Dorset Hill Beads
Piggy's Little Shop
Belua Designs
Dorset Hill Beads
Piggy's Little Shop
They're all good blogs, and I kept my list to etsy/craft-related blogs. Go read them, and go read weeknit's blog. Share the love. It's helping keep my insecurities at bay so I can keep crafting.
I'll put up a preview of said crafting tomorrow morning sometime. Going to do some clay work tonight while waiting for Lost (and during the commercial breaks), and I'm in the middle of learning a new pendant style that will regularly appear in the shop.
I'll put up a preview of said crafting tomorrow morning sometime. Going to do some clay work tonight while waiting for Lost (and during the commercial breaks), and I'm in the middle of learning a new pendant style that will regularly appear in the shop.
Crifmer - I appreciate you kind words. I agree that the words of strangers seem encouraging. Hopefully, the positive thoughts will turn into sales for all. Good luck with your shop.