Welcome to the Crifmer Creations blog!
We'll have musings on the hobby (many hobbies), notes about Etsy and business stuff... and previews and looks at various projects. With pictures. We like pictures.
I guess I should tell a little about myself and what Crifmer Creations will be all about.
I'm Chris, Crifmer on the intermenet. I work in computer operations, and I am a very crafty dude. Crafty as in glue and popsicle sticks. Not the other kind of subterfugal crafty. Although I can be that kind of crafty, too.
I got into jewelry making and wire work a few years back but had to put the pliers down for a little while. I recently picked them back up and found I can make pretty things. I like to make pretty things. My girlfriend also likes me making pretty things.
I've also been into clay for... a very long time. When I was younger I'd make all sorts of stuff out of plasticine. I wanted to go into claymation, and I still might now that the tools are more accessable and YouTube is not just a fad. These days, I've found the joy of polymer clay and I'm having a ball.
I think Crifmer Creations will be more clay-oriented with jewelry on the side. Mainly because clay is less expensive, so I can do stuff with it right now as opposed to shelling out for the wire if I want to sell nice things. I do like making fashion/costume jewelry. I think the stuff I've done so far looks good, and you don't have to play a lot of money to get nice looking stuff. "Why play an ace when a two will do," as a wise dragon once said. I think most of my jewelry stuff will be with homemade beads and colored art wire. I like colored art wire. It's not expensive, but you can be very creative and expressive with it.
For now, I'm still finding myself as an artist. I'm making a bunch of clay head magnets that I think will be a regular feature in the Etsy store. I like making the heads. I also have other "product line" (for lack of a better word) ideas in the works. While I'm not restricting myself as an artist, not everything will go in the Etsy store. There are a lot of wonderful polymer clay artists out there (take a look at my favorite sellers for some) and I don't want to step on any toes.
Well, welcome to the Crifmer Creations blog. I'm sure I'll have more interesting posts later on.